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Chinese translation for "otitis externa"


Related Translations:
infective otitis externa:  感染性外耳炎
otitis mastoidea:  乳突部耳炎, 乳突炎
otitis crouposa:  假膜性耳炎
suppurative otitis:  化脓性耳炎
alloiococcus otitis:  耳炎差异球菌
otitis interna:  内耳炎
exudative otitis:  渗出性中耳炎
otitis haemorrhagica:  出血性耳炎
otitis intima:  内耳炎
mucosus otitis:  粘液链球菌性耳炎
Example Sentences:
1.Ear is the main drug treatment suppurative otitis media ( ear discharging ) , otitis externa , softened stare phone ( er shi ) , the local administration of these diseases , so direct contact with the lesion site drug benefit maximum efficacy , but the proper use of ear drops drug is half the success , ear drops below about drug use methods
耳部用药主要是治疗化脓性中耳炎(耳流脓) ,外耳道炎、软化盯聆(耳屎)等,这些疾病局部用药,使病变部位直接接触药物,以利于发挥最大药效,但正确使用滴耳药是成功的一半,下面谈用滴耳药的方法。
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